The case presented here is adapted from how the R Shiny App for a Library Survey was created. This is the third post of the series to make an interactive data visualization web app:

Now that we have done with the dirty work of data cleaning, and we have got familiar with visually presenting data with ggplot2, let’s get started with creating a Shiny App. We will make use of the data objects and plot prototypes that we saw in the first two posts, building up the Shiny app like assembling the jigsaw puzzle pieces.

Getting Started with Shiny App

Learn Shiny from RStudio provides step-by-step tutorials (textual and video) on getting started with Shiny App. The Articles section offers many useful topics on building Shiny App once you have grasped the basics.

Here we will skip many “what and how” parts of building a Shiny App and go ahead to decompose this R Shiny App for a Library Survey. We will take a top down approach to so do.

User Interface Layout

overall structure

Basically we need a ui object that controls how the interface looks like, a server object that takes charges of the inputs and outputs, and a global.R that takes care of the extra work that we need for building up the App (e.g. creating objects for later use). Read more here for the structure of a Shiny App. ()

application layout

The first thing we want to do is laying out the overall user interface and the arrangement of each dashboard. RStudio’s Application layout guide introduced four layout features:

  • sidebar + main area
  • grid system
  • top navigation bar
  • tabsets and sidebar lists

We will use all of them in our design except for the sidebar lists.

In our case, we use the top navigation bar as the highest level of navigation structure.


ui <- 
  navbarPage("Demo", collapsible = TRUE, inverse = TRUE, theme = shinytheme("spacelab"),
             tabPanel("Service Use",
                          tabPanel("Accessing Website"),
                          tabPanel("Visiting Library"),
                          tabPanel("Attending Workshops"),
                          tabPanel("Exploring Technology")
             tabPanel("Space & Study Habits",
                          tabPanel("Study Habit"),
                          tabPanel("Space Preference - Mid & Final Terms"),
                          tabPanel("Space Preference - Most Days"),
                          tabPanel("Space Preference - Student Submissions")

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

We started with creating a navigation bar organized by topics of the survey (service use, space use & study habits, outreach), in addition to a “survey summary” page and an “about” page. We did that with navbarPage(). Under “Service Use” we further created a layer evaluating services we offer (website access, library visits, workshop attendance, technology exploration) with Tabsets. Similarly we created this nested navigation structure for “Space and Study Habits”.

The logic behind this layout is grouping blocks with similar topics into one place. This will also create visual consistency and repetition, which will be applied throughout the App.

shinythemes package changes the overall look of a Shiny App with many built-in themes as options. More on the package here.

In the following sections, we will build up the App piece by piece.

Dashboard 1

In the first dashboard on service use, we will be exploring the sidebar layout, Shiny widgets and reactive expressions. Important techniques to this dashboard are using reactive expressions to facilitate automation and repetition (e.g. simultaneously adjust the output of a plot by selecting the survey question, participant subgroup and plot type) in inputs and outputs.

plot outputs

We talked about how to create those bar charts here.

Each plot got an outpud id with plotOutput(outputId = "id") in ui, and was rendered in server with output$id <- renderPlot({}). This refers to the reactive programming models that Shiny relies on.

Note that when rendering plots the function is not always renderPlot(), which depends on the plot library you use. For instance, it is renderPlotly() to render Plotly plots, and renderWordcloud2() to render plots produced by wordcloud2().


Shiny offers many widgets to make use of. Widgets are web elements that we can interact with. Available widgets include checkbox, date input and range, slider, select box, file input, radio button, action button etc.

We used the radio buttons here, which will also be applied across almost all dashboards, for two reasons. (1)Most of our tasks are concerned with visualizing categories, and groups of radio buttons supports this need when each group refers to a category. (2)We wanted to create consistency across the dashboards in this App. It is also easier for users to follow the logic of the visualization when they browse among the dashboards.

First of all, the radion button needs a name and a label, which all widgets have. In addition to the name(id) and label, we also specified the choices argument with all the options for a user to choose from. Below is what we did.

radioButtons(inputId = "question1", 
             label = "Choose a question to explore",
             choices = c("Email/chat with library staff", 
                         "Find books", 
                         "Search for articles"))

Then in the server object we output what we defined earlier.

dataInput <- reactive({
         "Email/chat with library staff" = survey$Q1.1, 
         "Find books" = survey$Q1.2, 
         "Search for articles" = survey$Q1.3)

automation and repetition

Above we have created a dashboard that allows one to examine the website access by each survey question, subgroups of participants by country/status/major, and plot types, all at the same time. We automated that process by creating two reactive expressions, groupInput and dataInput. groupInput handles which subgroup to look at, and dataInput handles which survey question to look at.

A reactive expression is a expression whose result will change over time. It uses widget input, which may change, and returns a value, which will be updated when the widget input has changed.

groupInput <- reactive({
         "Student Status" = survey$status, 
         "Country / Region of Origin" = survey$country, 
         "Major" = survey$major)

dataInput <- reactive({
         "Email/chat with library staff" = survey$Q1.1, 
         "Find books" = survey$Q1.2, 
         "Search for articles" = survey$Q1.3)

Then later in plotting, we can simply use what we defined earlier as arguments in the ggplot() function.

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$plot_access_web <- renderPlot({
    if (input$plot1 == "Stacked Bars") {
      ggplot(survey, aes(groupInput())) + 
        geom_bar(aes(fill = dataInput()), 
                 position = position_stack(reverse = TRUE), 
                 width = 0.4, alpha = 0.75) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = c(palette[[1]][4], palette[[2]][1], palette[[3]][1])) +
        scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(levels(groupInput()))) 
    } else if (input$plot1 == "Grouped Bar Charts") { 
    } else if (input$plot1 == "Stacked Bars (Percent)") { 

Dashboard 2

In this second dashboard on survey summary, we will further explore the input and output in Shiny and the layout system. Techniques important to this dashboard is using action buttons to display extra information complementary to the main visualization, using texts as visualization and using tables to provide more information to the plots.

grid layout

The survey summary dashboard uses the grid layout system, where we get to define how much space the rows and columns should take. The column widths are based on the Bootstrap 12-wide grid system. Basically one page is divided into 12 columns; we then decide how many columns we want to allocate to one block.

In this case, the dashboard is divided into four rows (1 for help text and 3 for outputs). Within each row of the output, we allocated 6 columns to the left block of texts with button (including 1 column of blank space), 5 to the plot (including 2 columns of blank space), and 1 to be the blank space to the right. offset = # pushes the block to the right by # columns.



ui <- 
  navbarPage("Demo", collapsible = TRUE, inverse = TRUE, theme = shinytheme("spacelab"),
                          column(5, offset = 1, 
                                 helpText("Click More Stats button to find out more information of each group.", 
                                          style = "font-size:115%;font-style:italic;" ), 
                          column(3, offset = 2, br(), br(), 
                                 h1("320", align = "center", 
                                    style = "font-size: 350%; letter-spacing: 3px;"), 
                                 h3("Student Participants", 
                                    align = "center", style = "opacity: 0.75;"), br(),
                                 div(actionButton(inputId = "more1", "More Stats"), 
                                     style = "margin:auto; width:30%;")),
                          column(6, plotOutput(outputId = "g1", height = "400px")),
                          column(3, offset = 2, br(), br(),
                                 h1("48", align = "center", 
                                    style = "font-size: 350%; letter-spacing: 3px;"), 
                                 h3("Countries / Regions of Origin", 
                                    align = "center", style = "opacity: 0.75;"), br(),
                                 div(actionButton(inputId = "more2", "More Stats"), 
                                     style = "margin:auto; width:30%;")),
                          column(6, plotOutput(outputId = "g2", height = "400px")),
                          column(3, offset = 2, br(), br(),
                                 h1("16", align = "center", 
                                    style = "font-size: 350%; letter-spacing: 3px;"), 
                                 h3("Majors", align = "center", 
                                    style = "opacity: 0.75; letter-spacing: 1px;"), 
                                 div(actionButton(inputId = "more3", "More Stats"), 
                                     style = "margin:auto; width:30%;")),
                          column(6, plotOutput(outputId = "g3", height = "600px")),
                      tabPanel("Service Use",
                                   tabPanel("Accessing Website"), 
                                   tabPanel("Visiting Library"), 
                                   tabPanel("Attending Workshops"), 
                                   tabPanel("Exploring Technology")
                      tabPanel("Space & Study Habits",
                                   tabPanel("Study Habit"), 
                                   tabPanel("Space Preference - Mid & Final Terms"), 
                                   tabPanel("Space Preference - Most Days"), 
                                   tabPanel("Space Preference - Student Submissions")
server <- function(input, output) {
  ## charts
  output$g1 <- renderPlot({plot1})
  output$g2 <- renderPlot({plot2})
  output$g3 <- renderPlot({plot3})
  ## button
  observeEvent(input$more1, {
      easyClose = TRUE,
      footer = modalButton("Close")
  observeEvent(input$more2, {
      easyClose = TRUE,
      footer = modalButton("Close")
  observeEvent(input$more3, {
      easyClose = TRUE,
      footer = modalButton("Close")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

You may have noticed that we have applied many internal styles to the components in the above dashboard. Styles will be discussed below. For now we will skip that.

plot outputs

The lollipop charts (plot1 to plot3) were created in the global.R. We talked about how to create those lollipops here.

plot1 <- 
  ggplot(tb[[1]], aes(`#`, reorder(tb[[1]][,1], -`#`), label = `#`)) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = reorder(tb[[1]][,1], -`#`), xend = `#`, yend = reorder(tb[[1]][,1], -`#`)), 
               size = 0.5, color = "grey50") +
  geom_point(size = 10) +
  geom_text(color = "white", size = 4) +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14, angle = 90, hjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 0),
        plot.margin = unit(c(1,2,2,3), "cm"))

using texts as visualization

A plot is not the only element that we can rely on in visualization. Texts, especially large texts, can be useful when there are not too much information to display but when there is an important message to convey.

For instance, we chose to highlight the number of survey participants, number of the particpants’ countries/regions, and number of the participants’ majors using the h1() HTML tag function. This helps the numbers stand out and also tells the audience that those numbers matter. The large texts aim to catch the readers’ attention.

  column(3, offset = 2, br(), br(), 
          h1("320", align = "center", style = "font-size: 350%; letter-spacing: 3px;"), 
          h3("Student Participants", align = "center", style = "opacity: 0.75;"), br(),
          div(actionButton(inputId = "more1", "More Stats"), style = "margin:auto; width:30%;")),
  column(6, plotOutput(outputId = "g1", height = "400px")),

action buttons

The reason that we included action buttons in this case are double. (1) There is limited space to display all information. An action button allows hidden information to be displayed when an action is triggered. We want to display the kind of information that is not primary but complementary to what has already been shown. (2) An action button adds interactivity to our App, inviting users to explore.

RStudio’s article Using Action Buttons introduced many ways of using buttons. Our use case is a simple one. When someone hits the action button, a model box will be open and a table of summary data inside the box will be rendered.

Each button has an id and a label: actionButton(inputId = "more1", "More Stats"). observeEvent() triggers a command with an action button. showModal(modalDialog()) opens the modal box. renderTable({tb[[1]]}) renders the summary table that we created in global.R.

observeEvent(input$more1, {
    easyClose = TRUE,
    footer = modalButton("Close")

using lists to store data subsets

The data we used for summary tables were stored in the list tb, which we created previously. This is a list of three matrices of summarizing participant stats by subgroups (status/country/major).

## [[1]]
##   Student Status   #
## 1       Freshman 131
## 2      Sophomore  80
## 4         Senior  71
## 3         Junior  19
## 5 Other Programs  19
## [[2]]
##   Country / Region   #
## 1            China 178
## 3            Other  71
## 2             U.S.  69
## 4        Undefined   2
## [[3]]
##                                       Major   #
## 1             Business, Finance & Economics 118
## 8                                 Undefined  57
## 2              Humanities & Social Sciences  32
## 6                          CS & Engineering  27
## 3 Data Science & Interactive Media Business  24
## 5                                   Science  21
## 7                               Mathematics  21
## 4                    Interactive Media Arts  20

Using a list to store data subsets helps with automating the whole process because we won’t need to create many single data objects for each request, but just subset the list for the parts we need.

This is more obvious in the piece below, where dtset is a list consisting of three matrices summarizing top reasons of visiting the library by subgroups(status/country/major).

## [[1]]
##                                              Reason Freshman Sophomore
## 12                      Find a quiet place to study       94        55
## 6                            Print, photocopy, scan       76        50
## 1                  Work on a class assignment/paper       76        44
## 13                       Borrow books and materials       38        25
## 10                 Get readings from Course Reserve       13        12
## 5                            Use a group study room       18        12
## 4                            Use a library computer       16        10
## 8                              Meet up with friends       17        12
## 9                          Hang out between classes       14         5
## 11                        Get help from a librarian        7         7
## 3  Use specialized databases (e.g. Bloomberg, Wind)        4         3
## 14                        Attend a library workshop       13         0
## 2                       Watch video or listen audio        5         4
## 7                                             Other        2         1
##    Junior Senior Other Programs Total
## 12     11     45             16   205
## 6      10     52             14   188
## 1       9     28             10   157
## 13      9     34              1   106
## 10      3     15              2    43
## 5       3      7              1    40
## 4       3      7              5    36
## 8       1      4              2    34
## 9       2      2              4    23
## 11      1      8              0    23
## 3       2      8              0    17
## 14      2      1              1    16
## 2       0      1              1    10
## 7       1      1              0     5
## [[2]]
##                                              Reason China U.S. Other Total
## 12                      Find a quiet place to study   123   47    50   170
## 6                            Print, photocopy, scan   104   45    52   149
## 1                  Work on a class assignment/paper    89   46    31   135
## 13                       Borrow books and materials    63   15    28    78
## 5                            Use a group study room    32    4     5    36
## 10                 Get readings from Course Reserve    30    6     8    36
## 4                            Use a library computer    11   20    10    31
## 8                              Meet up with friends    23    4     9    27
## 9                          Hang out between classes    16    6     5    22
## 3  Use specialized databases (e.g. Bloomberg, Wind)    12    3     2    15
## 11                        Get help from a librarian    13    2     7    15
## 14                        Attend a library workshop     9    5     3    14
## 2                       Watch video or listen audio     7    2     2     9
## 7                                             Other     2    2     1     4
## [[3]]
##                                              Reason
## 12                      Find a quiet place to study
## 6                            Print, photocopy, scan
## 1                  Work on a class assignment/paper
## 13                       Borrow books and materials
## 10                 Get readings from Course Reserve
## 5                            Use a group study room
## 4                            Use a library computer
## 8                              Meet up with friends
## 11                        Get help from a librarian
## 9                          Hang out between classes
## 3  Use specialized databases (e.g. Bloomberg, Wind)
## 14                        Attend a library workshop
## 2                       Watch video or listen audio
## 7                                             Other
##    Business, Finance & Economics Humanities & Social Sciences
## 12                            80                           21
## 6                             78                           23
## 1                             63                           18
## 13                            36                           13
## 10                            10                            6
## 5                             17                            3
## 4                             15                            3
## 8                             17                            1
## 11                             9                            2
## 9                              6                            1
## 3                             10                            3
## 14                             5                            1
## 2                              7                            0
## 7                              1                            1
##    Data Science & Interactive Media Business Interactive Media Arts
## 12                                        17                     10
## 6                                         12                     10
## 1                                         16                      9
## 13                                         9                      8
## 10                                         2                      4
## 5                                          2                      5
## 4                                          3                      5
## 8                                          1                      2
## 11                                         1                      3
## 9                                          5                      1
## 3                                          0                      1
## 14                                         4                      1
## 2                                          0                      0
## 7                                          0                      1
##    Science CS & Engineering Mathematics Undefined Total
## 12      12               18          16        47   174
## 6       15               13          14        37   165
## 1        8               16          11        26   141
## 13      11                9           4        17    90
## 10       4                4           8         7    38
## 5        3                4           3         4    37
## 4        2                3           1         9    32
## 8        2                4           2         7    29
## 11       1                3           2         2    21
## 9        1                3           0        10    17
## 3        0                1           1         1    16
## 14       3                2           0         1    16
## 2        1                1           1         1    10
## 7        0                0           0         2     3

When accessing the subsets of data we need, or specify arguments in ggplot(), what we did was to use the dataInput2()[[1]] or groupInput2()[,1].

server <- function(input, output) {
  dataInput2 <- reactive({
           "My top reasons for visiting Library" = dtset,
           "I asked for help by ..." = dtset2)
  groupInput2 <- reactive({
           "Student Status" = dataInput2()[[1]], 
           "Country / Region of Origin" = dataInput2()[[2]], 
           "Major" = dataInput2()[[3]])
  output$plot_visit_lib <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(groupInput2(), aes(x = reorder(groupInput2()[,1], Total), y = Total, fill = factor(Level, levels = c("High","Medium","Low")))) + 
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = 0.75) + 
      scale_fill_manual(values = c(palette[[1]][4], palette[[2]][1], palette[[3]][1]), name="Level of\nFrequency") +
      coord_flip() +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15, margin = margin(0,3,0,0)),
            axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, margin = margin(15,0,0,0)),
            axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = 0),
            legend.title = element_text(size = 15),
            legend.text = element_text(size = 15),
            plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,1,0), "cm")) 
  output$table_visit_lib <- renderTable({

using tables to provide more information

Tables in dashboards are useful in that they can provide details of the data used in plots.


In Dashboard 2, we saw a lot of elements that control the styles of an app. Here we will take a closer look at how to customize our user interface.

HTML tags

If you know some HTML, you will notice many HTML tag functions we used: h1(), h3(), br(), and div(). These HTML tag functions format the elements in the dashboard with default CSS values. (names(tags) will return the full list of these readily available functions for us. The article Customize your UI with HTML shows how to apply these functions.)

inline style

You may also noticed that we also used inline styles many times. Usually we did this with style argument like below.

h3("Student Participants", align = "center", style = "opacity: 0.75;")

We also put the action buttons in div()s so that we can apply inline styles to them.

div(actionButton(inputId = "more1", "More Stats"), style = "margin:auto; width:30%;")

Hosting the App

Once we have built up the Shiny App, we can run a Shiny App in many ways:

  • locally with R scripts
  • host the App on your own server
  • run it from GitHub
  • host it using RStudio’s hosting service on

Share your apps introduces how to share or host a Shiny App with the methods mentioned above. offers free services to host Shiny Apps, and it is easy to deploy the app to the cloud with R. Here is how.