Table Outputs

estpost together with esttab can be very useful in exporting outputs to tables.

estpost posts results from various commands in e(). esttab displays formatted tables.

Summary statistics

sysuse auto		
estpost tabstat price mpg weight if rep78 <= 4, by(foreign) s(count mean sd p50 min max) columns(statistics) 	

This posted the results from tabstat to the screen.

Summary statistics: count mean sd p50 min max
     for variables: price mpg weight
  by categories of: foreign

     foreign |  e(count)    e(mean)      e(sd)     e(p50)     e(min)     e(max) 
Domestic     |                                                                  
       price |        46   6265.109   3230.865       4912       3291      15906 
         mpg |        46         19   4.027682         19         12         29 
      weight |        46   3429.565    633.463       3385       1800       4840 
Foreign      |                                                                  
       price |        12    5903.25   1826.219       5654       3895       9735 
         mpg |        12       24.5   2.645751       24.5         21         30 
      weight |        12   2158.333   307.3001       2100       1760       2750 
Total        |                                                                  
       price |        58   6190.241   2984.357     5006.5       3291      15906 
         mpg |        58   20.13793   4.382774       19.5         12         30 
      weight |        58   3166.552   777.7195       3290       1760       4840 


To export the output to a csv file, use esttab:

esttab using table1.csv, replace cell((count mean sd p50 min max)) nonumber nomtitle		

T test results

The commands below quietly posted the results from ttest and appended all e(b) and e(t) results to a csv file.

local i = 1
while `i' < 3{
	foreach var in price mpg {
		qui estpost ttest `var' if rep78 == `i' | rep78 == `i'+1, by(rep78)
		esttab using table2.csv, append nonumber nomtitle nonotes
	local i = `i' + 1

Model specifications

Commands below first stored regression outs from each model and appended all of them to a table in a csv file.

local i = 1
while `i' < 4{
	foreach depvar of varlist var1 var2 var3 {
		areg `depvar' ib`i'.rank if rank <= `i'+1 & rank >= `i', absorb(a)
		est sto m1

		areg `depvar' ib`i'.rank if rank <= `i'+1 & rank >= `i', absorb(b)
		est sto m2

		areg `depvar' ib`i'.rank if rank <= `i'+1 & rank >= `i', absorb(b)
		est sto m3

		esttab m1 m2 m3 using table3.csv, append se nonumber title(`depvar') mtitle("a fe" "b fe" "c fe")
	local i = `i' + 1
Author: Yun Dai, 2018