First steps
Stata Interface
(User interface; Getting help)
Being Reproducible
(Working directory; Log file; Do-file)
Syntax, or How to Speak Stata
(Syntax; Operators)
Reading and Saving Files of Various Types
(.dta, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .csv; Comma/tab delimited files)
Exploring data
Describing Your Data
(describe; codebook; list; count)
Summarizing Your Data
(summarize; tabulate; tabstat; table)
(correlate; pwcorr)
Transforming variables
Creating and Recoding Variables
(generate; recode; replace; egen; autocode)
Variable Names, Labels, and Values
(rename; label variable; label define; label values; label list; label drop)
Converting Numeric/String Variables
(encode/decode; real()/string(); destring/tostring)
Creating Dummy Variables
(Dummy variables/indicator variables; Factor variables)
Transforming dataset
(keep; drop)
Arranging Your Data
(sort; gsort; order)
Binding Datasets
(append; merge; joinby)
Reshaping Your Data
(reshape; collapse)
Useful tricks in hierarchical data
(Creating group identifier; First/last cases within a group; Checking if values are consistent within a group; Checking if t test pairs exist within a group; Lags and leads)
(Creating group identifier; First/last cases within a group; Checking if values are consistent within a group; Checking if t test pairs exist within a group; Lags and leads)
Spreading Rows in Hierarchical Data
(fill; expand; by prefix with sum(), max(), min(), mean() etc.)
Matching and searching: regexm(); regexr(); regexs(); strpos(); strrpos();
Parsing and extracting: split; substr(); subinstr(); egen, ends(); strtrim(); stritrim();strltrim();strrtrim();
Conversion: string(); real();
Concatenation: egen, concat(); + operator
Matching and searching: regexm(); regexr(); regexs(); strpos(); strrpos();
Parsing and extracting: split; substr(); subinstr(); egen, ends(); strtrim(); stritrim();strltrim();strrtrim();
Conversion: string(); real();
Concatenation: egen, concat(); + operator
Dates and times
Dates and Times
(Data types and storage types; Display format; Conversion; Extraction; Concatenation; Calculation)
(Data types and storage types; Display format; Conversion; Extraction; Concatenation; Calculation)
Automating your work
Automating Your Work
(Macros; The many uses of macros; Loops: foreach/forvalues/while)
Stored Results
(r-class and e-class commands; Types of results; Storing results in a matrix; levelsof; System variables; tempvar; word)
(r-class and e-class commands; Types of results; Storing results in a matrix; levelsof; System variables; tempvar; word)
Recommended Resources
Resources for Self-Paced Learning
(Introduction to Stata; Practical guides; Statistical analysis examples)