Web-interfacing Visualization
Case I: Exploring Multiple Dimensions of Survey Data with Shiny App
Part I: The Dirty Work - Reshaping Data for Visualization
(Reshaping data structures; Extracting strings; Automating for Shiny) -
Part II: The Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces - Creating Graphs with ggplot2
(Bars; Using summary stats; Using info from several columns; Visually grouping data) -
Part III: Assembling the Pieces - Creating R Shiny App
(User interface layout; Widgets; Reactive expressions; Plot outputs; Table outputs; Style; Hosting the App) -
Product: Shiny App
(Source: library user survey data)
Case II: Visualizing Times and Locations with Animation and Interactivity Using Tracking Logs
Part I: Creating Animated Graphs with gganimate
(gganimate; Animated map; Animated line graph) -
Part II: The Shiny App
(Slider; Slider range; Animation sequences) -
Product: Shiny App
(Source: user behavior logs / server events data)
Working with SQL in Shiny
Case I: Building a one-stop-shop web app for business intelligence
Connecting SQLite Database and Shiny Apps for Business Intelligence
(Compiling database queries with SQL; Issuing queries with RSQLite; Embedding SQL queries in Shiny components) - Product: Business Intelligence Dashboard
Video tutorials
(Part 1: About database; Part2: The three big steps; Part 3: Navigation bar; Part 4: Select input; Part 5: Data range; Part 6: Data table; Part 7: Panel; Part 8: Plot; Part 9: Prediction; Part 10: Save table; Part 11: Conclusion)
Case II: Building a prototype of a database management system
Creating a Shiny App for Database Management
(Dashboard layout; Authentication; Dynamic UI reacting to user inputs; Making sure the SQL parts work in Shiny; Web development in Shiny) - Product: Database Management Platform